Friday, November 1, 2019

Week Nine Preview

Once again, I've been too busy and honestly too lazy to write up my reviews for the past few weeks, so sorry, not sorry about that. Writing isn't hard, especially when you're not getting paid enough (or at all) to make deadlines, but sometimes I just don't feel like it. I'll get around to 'em eventually. But I wouldn't wanna miss out on picking who will win what UMAC games this weekend! Especially when I've got competition (cough Football's Finest cough). The reviews are coming, but I didn't want those to get in the way of writing up my previews, especially with only three weeks remaining on the schedule! Let's see what's up in UMAC football this coming weekend.

Iowa Wesleyan at St. Scholastica - The Tigers have looked rough this year, and may end 2019 without a win. Yes, for all you keeping track at home, that means I don't think they'll win this game. While the Saints have been disappointed in their own performance this year, they surely will have enough firepower to put down Iowa Wesleyan with ease. St. Scholastica tromps the Tigers, 42-13.

Crown at Westminster - This one is a low-key game of the week candidate. Both the Blue Jays and the Storm have been desperately trying to crack the upper tier of the UMAC this year, but really haven't been successful. Westminster did manage to take down the MacMurray Highlanders a few weeks ago, but have fallen short against others, as Crown has. The Storm are looking for that breakthrough win, and this could get them on the right track. Honestly I think the road trip is really the factor here; it's a long one, and if the roles were reversed I might pick Crown, but I'm going to take Westminster in a close one. The Blue Jays squeak by on the skin of their teeth the second week in a row, 17-14.

Minnesota Morris at Martin Luther - I don't have much to say about this one, and I doubt anyone will fight me on that. Morris is bad, Martin Luther is good, this game takes place in "The Pit". The Knights will rack up 400+ rushing yards and destroy the Cougars. Martin Luther takes it to Morris, 56-18.

Greenville at MacMurray - This is the actual game of the week for real. Two upper level UMAC teams fighting at the podium for 2nd place while Martin Luther stands tall at #1. MacMurray is at a serious disadvantage due to their loss to Westminster a few weeks ago, and due to the fact they have yet to face the Panthers along with Martin Luther and St. Scholastica, but they could make up some ground by taking down Greenville tomorrow. MacMurray's offense has been running on all cylinders this year, but I think they'll find some stiff competition in the Panthers. I think Greenville will be able to outlast the Highlanders in a high-scoring shootout. The Panthers breath a sigh of relief as they head home, defeating MacMurray 45-42.

I haven't really been keeping tabs for the past few weeks, but after doing a quick scan, it looks like I'm 35-7 over the course of the 2019 season. I'll have to do some digging and see how my Twitter counterpart compares. Regardless, we've got some good matchups tomorrow, and I'm pumped to see how they turn out! I probably won't be following along with the games on Twitter tomorrow, so check out Football's Finest page for week nine UMAC football scores and updates. Good luck to all UMAC players, coaches, and fans, and as always, PROVE ME WRONG!

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